Research Projects |
PPP in Transportation Infrastructure Projects in Israel: Review and Analysis |
Conference on Transportation: Evaluation of new perspectives on PPP and opportunities for Israel – Tel Aviv University April 2018. Download Presentation here |
Public Private Financing of Transport infrastructure in Israel |
Conference on Transportation and evolutions of the Investments policy in Israel – Tel Aviv University April 2017. Download Presentation here |
Southern Gateway Eilat Canal Port |
Research in response to the information request of Israel, Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure. |
Financing Transport Infrastructures in Latin America |
Paper for the Lombardy Region for the IV Conference Italy - America Latina. |
Promoting Private Sector Participation in Low-Income Housing Finance |
Paper for the Inter American Development Bank on problems and solution for public estate management in Latin America. |
World Bank Close end Fund per Paesi dell’Est Africa |
In collaboration with Economisti Associati for the World Bank feasibility study for the creation of an investment fund specialised in projects in Africa. |
Privatization of the public transport company of the city of Arad |
In collaboration with Economisti Associati, financed by European Bank for Reconstrucion and Development, analysis of the possibilities for the privatization of the public transport service of the city of Arand in Romania. |
West Russia regional venture fund e Black earth regional venture fund |
In collaboration with Economisti Associati elaboration for the EBRD of a preliminary study for a Venture Capiltal fund for the transitional countries and Russia. Identification of the best possible opportunities. |
CAL Brebemi |
Reply to the Questions raised by the European Comission on some aspects of the concession CAL-Brebemi. In particular issues related to the subentro price, contingent liabilities e and return of the concession. |
Alternative models to the BOT scheme |
With J. Trujillo, R. Sheehy, X. Freitas research on the development of alternative models to the BOT schemes for infrastructure financieng for the Interamerican Developmnet Bank Conference |