Articles and Publications |
“Se la filantropia vigila sull’efficienza della spesa” ”, R Cohen La Repubblica September 12 2022 |
“The Italian Experience in PPP Governance:Success and Failure in Transportation Projects in “PPP in Transportation Projects”, ” (edited by S. Hakim, E. Blackstone; R Clark) Springer Publishing. |
“Il Partenariato Pubblico-Privato nelle infrastrutture di trasporto: il caso di Israele” R. Cohen in “Il futuro del partenariato pubblico-privato: esperienze ed esempi in Svizzera e all'estero” Tobiolo Gianella editor |
“Private Participation Models in Space Economyt” Presentation to investors – Technion July 2019 |
“PPP & Space Economy Alternative Approaches to Private Sector Participation”, at “Primavera dell’Innovazione- Open innovation perspective for Space” 17 May 2019 E. Amaldi Foundation – Auditorium, Italian Space Agency |
“PPP in Transportation Infrastructure Projects in Israel: Review and Analysis”, By Remy Cohen SDA Bocconi School of Management, Milan and Yehuda Porath, Research Department, Bank of Israel, Jerusalem, Presentation Tel Avivi University Conference, April 2018 |
“Dynamic Approaches to PPP Transportation Projects – Evidences from the Israel and Other Countries”. R.Cohen. Presentation at Seminar of the Transportation Department of Civil Engineering Faculty at Technion University in Haifa, Israel, April 2017 |
“An outlook on the Public-Private Financing of the Israeli Transport Infrastructure”, R.Cohen, paper in progress. Presentation at a Conference at Coller School of Management – Tel Aviv University in Tel Aviv, Israel, April 2017 |
“Governance of PPP: The case of Milan Metro Line 4. Is there a case for Infrastructure Delivery? ”, R.Cohen, T.Boast, paper presented at Transportation Research Board Conference, Washington DC, January 2016 and published by Transportation Research Records. |
“Verso una maggiore efficienza del Mercato delle Infrastrutture in Italia”, Remy Cohen, in “Appalti Pubblici, in House Providing e Grandi Infrastrutture”, February 2015, Gruppo Il Sole 24 Ore |
“PPP Procurement For Transport Infrastructure: from Investment Programme to Project Implementation”, DEuropean Commission, TEN-T Executive Agency Conference, Bruxelles November 2013. |
“Project Bonds”, answers to proposal from European Commission, February 2011 |
“Promoting Private Sector Participation in Low-Income Housing Finance”, (Diagnosis and Policy Recommendations for Latin America and Caribbean)”, Inter American Development Bank, Working Paper, 2007/span> |
“Infrastructure Financing with Unbundled Mechanism” R. Cohen, J. A. Trujillo, X. Freixas, R. Sheehy, Inter American Development Bank, 1997, reprint in “Financier”, July 1999. |
“Infrastructure in Latin America Recent Evolution and Key Challenges”, Research Project, World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank (together with Ernst &Young Consulting) 2004-2005 |
“Delivery Modes and Trends in Private Participation in Infrastructure”, R. Cohen, Washington D.C. June 6-7, 2005 |
“Fiscal Implications of Infrastructure Development” R.Cohen, M.Percoco, Inter American Development Bank, Working Paper, 2004 |
“Sui Ponti con il revenue bond”, di Remy Cohen e Marco Percoco Rivista Università Bocconi “via Sarfatti 25” luglio/agosto 2010 |
“Sviluppo delle Infrastrutture: Fondi Pubblici e Capitali Privati”, Remy Cohen, Deloitte Review, January 2009 |
“Project Financing e Capitali Privati per lo Sviluppo delle Infrastrutture” in “R. Cohen, M. Percoco and L. Senn, EGEA, 2008 , Egea editori 2004 |
“Partenariato Pubblico Privato nelle Infrastrutture di Trasporto: verso una maggiore efficienza dell’intervento Pubblico ”, Roma, 2017 |
“Aspetti finanziari della cartolarizzazione: implicazioni per il mercato bancario e per il mercato delle infrastrutture”, di R. Cohen in “La cartolarizzazione del Patrimonio Immobiliare degli Enti Pubblici” a cura di Giuseppe Franco Ferrari, Egea, 2006 |
“Analisi dei Progetti di Investimento: teoria e applicazione per il project financing”, Remy Cohen, Tito Boeri, Egea, 1998, reprint 1999 |
“La Gestione Finanziaria dei Progetti: dal Contract Financing al Project Financing”, R.Cohen, V.Comito, L.Dal Prato, Guerini Editore - June 1995, reprint 1999 |
“La Fluttuazione dei Cambi”, R.Cohen; F.Giavazzi Etas Libri 1985 |